How to convert your NFT minted on another chain to your collective’s blockchain on Livetree using XP

You can import your NFTs minted on Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Tron, and other chains to Livetree by converting them to the blockchain your collective is minted on in the Livetree app. Livetree's collectives only support Moonbeam, Moonriver, Celo, Ethereum, Unique, and Quartz at this time. Follow this simple guide to convert your NFTs.

Step 1: Visit and log into your collective profile

Step 2: Hit “Import NFT to your collective” button on your collective page in the dApp portal

Step 3: Hit the “XP.Network” button which opens up and hit the “Multi-chain NFT Bridge”

Step 4: Hit “Discover Bridge” and follow the instructions on the XP Network platform

Congrats! Now you can import your NFTs to Livetree by following this guide. [How to import your NFTs to Livetree]

Last updated